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Thank you for your interest in VVIS International School.  As one of the leading providers of bilingual and international education in the Algarve, Portugal, VVIS has obtained a reputation for excellent teaching standards which is reflected in our academic track record with students becoming well rounded individuals going off into the world. 


Entrance is open to anyone who can contribute towards the social and educational aspects of the school and who can develop personal, emotional and academic skills in preparation for further education and a lifelong attitude that embraces education.


VVIS admits students 5 to 18 year olds and has implemented a wide range of curriculum adjustments, including a bilingual International Curriculum for the Primary School and following the Pearson International and Cambridge Assessment International General Certificate of Secondary Education and the Pearson and Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Levels Certificates.


We are fully aware that your decision in choosing the best school for your child is important to you. The Admissions team is at your disposal to discuss and inform you of the opportunities that VVIS represents for your child


How to Apply

​Applying to VVIS is a four step process and the school is unable to admit your child until your file is complete. Steps 1 and 3 can be submitted at different times or concurrently.


An email will be sent to confirm receipt of the forms.  Acknowledgement of receipt of documents does not imply admission.  A student’s admission is regarded as provisional until the final step in the process has been concluded and the relevant fees have been paid.  The registration fee, which is non-refundable, allows a student to be considered as a candidate for admission to the school.  A student’s place is only guaranteed once all the steps in the admissions process have been completed.   


Step 1: Opening an Application File
In order to initiate the application process, an application form has to be submitted, accompanied by the non-refundable registration fee of €500.


Step 2: Placement Testing
Students applying who do not have English as their mother tongue will be asked to complete an English Placement Test. Students requiring additional language lessons in order to cope with the curriculum framework, may be recommended to take extra lessons after school, at the parents’ expense.


Subject specific placement tests might be required to place a student in the correct level of a course – i.e. mathematics, foreign language and science.  In addition, a personal interview is required prior to commencement of studies.


Step 3: Completing the Application File
The following documents need to be completed as soon as possible after submission of the Application Form, but have to be submitted prior to admission:


  • Copy of recent school records

  • Health record and vaccination certificates

  • Language Background Form

  • Any previous academic/emotional/physical assessment reports

  • Declaration of special needs in order to ensure the appropriate support is provided. An additional charge will apply for SEN support.

  • A copy of your child’s passport

  • A passport size photo

  • A copy of the parent’s (or fee paying guardian’s) tax (contribuinte) card

  • A signed copy of the Financial Regulations

  • Payment of an initial non-refundable registration fee of €500 upon application

  • €250 annual non-refundable re-registration fee to confirm space for the following year


All forms should be completed and mailed to:                                                                                                      

   VVIS Admissions
   Apartado 125
   8601-927 LUZ, Lagos


Or emailed as an attachment to: Ms. Sónia Nogueira at


Step 4: Acceptance

Once the Application File is completed, it will be sent to the Head of the relevant division for the final decision regarding the acceptance/grade placement of your child.

  • VVIS aims to provide every student with a balanced, quality education to ensure that all students achieve their best potential in accordance with their needs.

  • VVIS has limited facilities and resources for students with special educational needs.  Certain guidelines will apply in order to ensure that all students achieve their full potential - refer to the Admissions Policy.  

  • Previous school reports and other documents (refer to Step 3) have to be submitted prior to admission.

  • Students are accepted on a space-available basis throughout the current school year.  Applications will not be considered more than two years in advance of the expected date of entry.

  • For previously wait-listed students the Admissions Office will call as soon as a space becomes available. An acceptance letter will be emailed to you to welcome your family to our VVIS community.

Admission Policy

It is the mission of Vale Verde International School to provide the community with a balanced, quality education to ensure that all students achieve their best potential in accordance with their needs. 


We aim to prepare the young people to take their full place in society whilst celebrating the joy of learning. This will involve their developing academic, social, physical and interpersonal skills as well as a sense of personal responsibility for themselves and those with whom they interact stretching from the family unit to the world, of which we form a part.


Admission to VVIS will be determined on the following factors:


  • Applications will only be accepted for enrolment and year placement when all requested documentation has been submitted and the application process is complete. 

  • The potential of the applicant is to benefit from the available educational programme with the ability to access the curriculum.

  • Availability of space in classes and option groups offered.

  • During periods when enrolment to a specific year group has reached full capacity, admission may be postponed. In this case, the applicant’s name is placed on a waiting list.   

  • The school must receive full and accurate information about any special educational needs or medical conditions to better assess the child’s needs. VVIS does not have the facilities or resources for students with special educational needs. However, should a student require extra tuition or tools to cope with mainstream education, it is the parent’s duty to have their child assessed in accordance with school policy, in order to help them and the school to identify the student’s needs and provide the additional tools required to help them reach their full potential.  Refusal to access professional assessment or to provide the necessary tools required in order for the student to be able to benefit from the educational programme offered may result in the admission being cancelled and the child will have to be withdrawn.

  • If any important information is withheld, or financial regulations are not met, or if it is in the best interests of the child or the school, a student’s admission may be withdrawn.

  • VVIS reserves the right to deny admission or ask that a student be withdrawn if: The student’s best interests and needs cannot be met; The student’s/parent’s behaviour is deemed to jeopardise the welfare of the School community; Any significant information is withheld from the School; School fees are not paid in accordance with the financial regulations.

  • Previous school reports and other documents (refer to Step 3 of the Admissions Process) have to be submitted prior to admission.

  • If the child is moving from another fee-paying school, a letter of clearance must be provided before acceptance. 

  • Although admission is not entirely dependent on academic ability, admission is reserved and is subject to an interview and/or test. 

  • An official school report card or transcript of grades covering the previous year has to be submitted. 

  • A student will only be admitted once all admission policies have been complied with, including the provision of vaccination and medical records as well as (NB!) a tax (Portuguese contribuinte) number.  

  • Returning students may lose their place if the Annual Registration Fee is not paid by the 1st July of each year.

  • Admission of a pupil implies agreement to VVIS terms and conditions as well as compliance with all school policies, including but not limited to policies regulating admissions, student and parent conduct, health and safety, the schedule and timely payment of fees and financial regulations.

Tuition & Fees


  • What year groups are offered at VVIS?
    VVIS welcomes applications for admission to Primary (Years One to Six), Secondary (Years Seven to Nine), IGCSE (Cambridge & Pearson International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Years 10 & 11) and Advanced Subsidiary & Advanced Levels (Years 12 & 13). PLEASE NOTE: VVIS does not offer boarding. ​ *Being two year courses, it is recommended that studies commence at Years 10 and 12 respectively, as it is difficult to align subject teaching to previous schools. As places become available in the other Year Groups, these are filled from the relevant waiting list. If you would like your child's name to be added to the waiting list, please email Ms Sónia Nogueira at ​
  • What curriculum is offered?
    VVIS follows the Cambridge Primary Curriculum framework along with bilingual immersion of Portuguese, making VVIS the only true bilingual primary school in the Algarve. The Secondary School (Years 7 to 13) follow the Cambridge Framework and include IGCSE (Cambridge & Pearson International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Years 10 & 11) and Advanced Subsidiary & Advanced Levels (Years 12 & 13).
  • Do you offer a bus service?
    Yes, VVIS has a bus service that transports children from Portimão to school daily. Stops can be made along the way including Lagos. The service is billed termly and requires an annual commitment.
  • Is food offered at VVIS?
    VVIS has the service of fresh made lunches made daily on site. Options include a hot served full course meal, sandwiches, and soups. All payments for school lunches are made directly each week with the School Kitchen and chef Ms. Imca. Our lunch offerings are loved by all and ensure all children have a balanced diet full of nutrition for their very busy days.
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Estrada do Burgau
8600-120 Luz-Lagos 

+351 282 697 205

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Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly. 

© 2024 by VVIS

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